When my first born was eating baby cereal for the very first time it was a big deal for my wife and I. He was a new person and we were new parents.
My wife would scoop out a small spoonful while I recorded the entire meal. My son would gladly accept the food in his mouth, after all, he was hungry. But he would push it out with his tongue.
Over and over again my wife tried to feed him and over and over again he would move his tongue back and forth between his lips spitting the food down his chin. My wife and I panicked! What’s wrong with our kid? He can’t use his tongue!
Friend: “Hi. How did your interview go at XYZ Company?”
Candidate: “I thought I did OK but they just didn’t ask me the right questions.”
Friend: “Right questions?”
Candidate: “I never got a chance to tell them any of good about me.”
Friend: “So, what did you talk about?”
Candidate: “Trees and stuff.”
Sad, but we all know that conversation. But let’s back up a second. Who is ultimately responsible for selling you during an interview?
An improperly trained interviewer can kill all your hard work.
This is the first blog post for the NEW U The NEW U took over four years to compile with the help and input of countless supports, friends, patients, sages, noblemen, and idealists. There was one thing we all had in common and that was we were using a system from the Great Depression of…