Hello, my name is Ed Bergstrom. I had a very successful career and once had responsibility for 58 branches for a multi-billion dollar organization. A beautiful wife and three bright sons. Somewhere along the way things went horribly wrong and I found myself at an unusual rock bottom place in life. 

I found myself facing two very difficult choices in life – sit in a world of “whoa is me” depression blaming the world, my upbringing, my bad luck, conspiracy theories, and anything or anyone else I could blame for situation. Or I could choose door number two. 

I chose door number two and decided to turn myself around. And now I’m more successful than ever before and all three of my sons are success stories as well. My beautiful wife and I are still together and happier than ever.

Door number two wasn’t an accident and it wasn’t luck. It was a systematic and carefully planned course of action. I have documented this plan for you with a step-by-step plan called The NEW U. What would you do if you felt like you had the “Cure” or “Solution” to cancer? You’d share it wouldn’t you! That’s exactly why The NEW U was created. To share the “Solution” with U.


Course materials were good, the mentoring approach was good, and working with other people via the Internet was good. The instructor did a great job of communicating and breaking the material down so that it’s understandable and practical. There isn’t a Step in the New U that I don’t use every day. I think it’s a very solid course. I learned a lot about myself and haven’t stopped chaining for the better – even after the course.

In my 15+ years as a health care professional in the clinical psychiatric field and as an educator, I have never participated in a workshop/professional development opportunity that comes anywhere close (not in the same universe) to comparing to The New U Course with regard to richness, relevance, and professionalism. My only wish is that every one could take advantage of the simple and easy techniques outlined in The New U, because the integration of this material in our lives, in our everyday relationships and in the myriad ways with which we interact with each other will not only improve the quality of our interactions but vastly improve the overall health of human kind. That is worth more than we can know.

I liked that the “Outside” courses and the step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a resume and interview for a new career. I was excited about using my new skills and found a great job in a matter of weeks not months. Unlike exercises where a student can get by simply doing as directed, the assignments reveal the real learning. The assignments were where I discovered whether I truly understood the material. This course produces real learning. My friends all ask me for my secret and all I can say is, I found “THE NEW U.”  The steps were easy to follow and actually fun to practice. I owe my whole new life to The NEW U. Thank you!
